Sunday, August 16, 2009

Special Suprises!

I was awoken to the smell of bacon on Friday morning. Which was very strange because it was Friday and Josh and I both had to work. I got up and Josh was still in his PJ's. Strange I thought... I told him "what are you doing, aren't you going to get ready for work". He then advised me that he got the day off. "WHAT!" He told me earlier that he was not taking the day off because I wasn't taking it off. He told me that it was me first suprise and there was many more to come. He had made me breakfast. French Toast and bacon... Yummy! When I sat down to breakfast he then handed me a note that he had writen to my daycare parents. He had taken the day off for me and they were to make me think that I was still working... Man did it work because I had no idea. That was suprise #2. After breakfast he said Suprise #3 was that I needed to pack for us and the kids but the kids needed to be separate. What! Suprise #4 was that he had set it up that his mom was going to come and pick up the kids and they would spend the night with her and then Josh's brother Nate would come pick them up the next day and they would spend the night w/ Uncle Nate and Aunt Leslie and there cousins. So I quickly got them packed and got everyone showered and dressed. Got Josh and I packed and Grandma had showed up. Jonas and Miranda were very excited and wanted to go. So we said our goodbyes and they headed out. Josh and I headed out... not knowing where I was going. All I was told was pack hiking shoes... We ran some errons and then started to head out. Josh then informed me we were going to Lincoln City. We headed to Salem to cut over and had some Yummy lunch at Taco Del Mar and then off we went.

When we got to Lincoln City we stopped and did some shopping. Josh got some good deals at the outlets. Then we went to our hotel room and got settled. We decided that we wanted to go to a movie and get something to eat. Off we went to our favorite pizza place and then to see Time Travelers Wife. After we went back to the motel and then walked to the beach to enjoy the clear skies and the sound of the waves. Beautiful!

In the morning we went to Suprise #6. Josh took me to Drift Creek falls. It was so beautiful and a really nice hike. It was 3 and half mile hike. We came upon a suspension bridge. It was amazing. Although it was pretty scary because when you walked you could feel it sway back and forth.

When we got down to the bottom of the falls we hung out and Josh climbed around to get better view of the falls.

After the nice hike we went to Mo's for lunch and then onto the beach to relax. I fell asleep for three hours and Josh watched the sea lions. It was warm and clear blues skies. Then we decided that we would check out a garden.
We went back to the motel room for awhile to relax and then went out for dinner. This morning we woke up early and got on the road by 9:30. Josh decided that it would be nice to go down to florence and then over to Eugene. Well that took us a lot longer then we had thought. When we got past Florence there was a line of cars... after awhile of sitting there w/ no signal a car came up and said that there was a fatal car accident w/ a 2 hour wait time. We turned around and then had to back track to get to Eugene to pick up our kids. We were in the car for 5 hours before getting the kids in Creswell. Yuck. It was a wonderful weekend but man did I miss the kids. So it was nice to see there smiling faces. On our way home I told Josh I would drive since he had driven this morning. We had just gotten out of Creswell when this truck next to us hit a huge piece of wood. It flew up and hit the van. No one was hurt but it scared me and also made me upset that the truck didn't even stop to see what had happen. Can't believe it. Well now I need to call my insurance because there is damage to the van. Lucky us. We that was the end to our mini vacation just the two of us... Thank you Joshua for the many suprises and the love that was put into this. I do have the most loving and romantic man alive! I love you honey and Happy 7th Anniversary!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Whirlwind of a day!

Today was going to be a good day. I had planned that we were going to go w/ some friends to the park this morning. A bunch of moms club friends of mine we going and I would be able to chat w/ friends plus the kids would be totally happy playing on the play structors and enjoying the outdoors. It started off perfect the kids were all in good moods and were excited about going. We got there and everything was fine... Jonas was playing on a huge rock and Miranda was playing w/ her girlfriends. Then the boys were having a hard time getting off the rock so I walked over there to get them down and all of a sudden..... a friend calls out to me H (daycare child) is BLEEDING.... WHAT! I run to see what is going on and all I see is H crying w/ blood down her face. I ran to her grabbed her and started to clean her up... what did I see but it looked like she had bit thru her lip. Yikes. First thought was breath... second thought call her parents because this may need stiches... third thought again breath.... Got her all calmed down and her mom was on the way. Got home w/ the clan and H wanted to eat... this point I knew she was doing better. My friend brought over some lunch for the kids she knew my focus was on H. I broke hers into little peices and she ate like a champ. Poor thing. Her mom came and took her home. I called her later and she was doing good. Made for a crazy start to the morning.

On to the second thing that happened today.... when Josh got home I went into the bedroom to talk to him about the day and I hear laughing.... I love to her children laughing but this should have been my clue to go and check on what was going on. My friend had come into the door to pick up her son so I walked down the hall and here came Maya w/ something pink all over her. WHAT THE HECK! Walked into the playroom and Miranda had been flinging Yogurt all over Maya and anything else in her way.... then I decided that since all daycare were gone I needed to run and get somethings and the min I got into the store I get a call.... Where is the finger nail polish remover... WHAT! Miranda had decided that it would be a great idea to PAINT her whole body. Man that girl! When I return home Josh had Miranda in the bath and had scrubed her down as best he could. I finished the work and she still has finger nail polish on her... If this is what life is like when she is three I hate to see what is going to happen when she is in her teens... Josh and I have our work cut out for us.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


The last couple of weeks have been really busy... our baby girl is now THREE! We took our doggy camping for the first time and my baby boy is graduating from Kindergarden today!

Miranda birthday went off w/ a bash. We had over fifty people to our house for dinner and cake. It was a blast. The kids spent the time throwing water balloons and running thru the sprinkler... It was a very warm day so that gave everyone a chance to get cold off. My sister in-law made two wonderful cakes that were so yummy! Miranda had the best time and now she is a three year old little girl... no more a baby!

Memorial Day weekend we went to South Beach to tent camp w/ Josh's brother Nate and Leslie and the kids. It was the first time to take Maya camping. She did so good. I had taken friday off so that I could go to school w/ Jonas. That was a blast.. I was able to go and play on the play ground w/ him and his buddies and see how he did in his classroom w/ his friends there. It was great. Wish that I could do it more often. Then Jonas and I walked home and finished packing the van then we were off. The first night of camping was very windy which made it cold. The next morning was chilly but the wind had died down. Everyday the weather got better and better. On Sunday we went and got some sandwhichs and had a picnic lunch at Devil's punch bowl. Nate and Leslie had decided that they needed to go home so we went out and checked and found a really nice beach that didn't have any wind. It was perfect. We spent time on the beach and went and got some ice cream. It was nice to just rest on the beach. Then back to the camp ground we went and I made yummy dinner. Then we decided to check another trail and head back to the beach and watch the sunset. The trail was much better then the prior one. When we got there the kids ran down a huge sand hill and going back and forth. It was great. Back for much needed showers and off to bed they went. Monday we pack up and headed for Mo's for my favorite tuna melt (thanks to my mom). Then we took the kids to check out the sea lions. Which they loved. Maya was totally unsure we she was suppose to do... Can't wait to get back out there and do it again... I love camping!

Today my little man is graduating from Kindergarden... Is that strange. I just can't believe he is even old enough to become a first grader. Wow has the time flew by. The other day he told me that he wanted me to be pregnant.... Little does he know that his mommy gets really sick and can't do much when pregnant... He told Josh last night and he said don't you want to be able to do things like go to Disney and he said well maybe not then... Funny kid. I love my little man and am so excited to see what First Grade holds for him. Thank you Mrs. H for doing a great job w/ Jonas this year...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mommy Day!

Here I am writing this post and thinking that I am the luckiest mom alive!!! I have a wonderful husband who takes care of me and our children. I have two very special children who brighten up my life every waking moment and even when they are silent and sleeping. And today is a day to say Happy Mothers Day to our mommies!!
Mom- you have always been there for me no matter what the situation is good or bad. Thank you for standing by my side and holding my hand when times got tough or even when it was the most exciting moment of my life. You are a wonderful person and I hope that I pass on to my children as much love and support that you have given me to them. Thank you and I Love you with all my heart.
Bobbie- Thank you for being my mother in-law. I am very lucky to have a wonderful person like you in my life and in my childrens life. Thank you for teaching me new ways to dress up my cooking. I enjoy watching and learning different techinques that you have to show me... I have learned a lot (not sure if my cooking has) :) but still trying new things.
Sherrill- Thank you for being an encouragment to me! You have made new changes in your life by walking and eating right and it is an encouragment to me to see that I could really do it also. Thank you for encouraging me and giving me new ideas for future cooking and also what works and doesn't work... Thank you again.
To all the mommies out there Happy Mothers Day!

Monday, May 4, 2009

New World!

So Josh and I decided it was time for us to start a new adventure. My sister in-law called about a month ago and asked if we would be interested in getting a dog... what a dog. I told her that I would have to talked to Josh see what he would say (knowing that he probally would be like no way "not until the cats are gone) when talking w/ him he was very interested. Maya is a boxer, 2 yrs old, already trained. PERFECT for our family. I called Beth back and told her Josh said yes (which she couldn't believe) and she called the lady back. A week later I got a hold of the lady myself and she wanted to have Maya taken to the vet to get checked out to make sure everything was perfect. Yesterday was our first meeting and she is perfect... Josh comment was " he couldn't ask for a better dog" . So we are now going to start a new adventure w/ owning our own dog. It is going to be interesting.. The kids love her and so do we... i will have picture once we actually get to bring her home.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Potty training!!!

So this last week I ran out of swimming diapers for swimming lessons. So I decided that she was old enough that she really didn't need to wear them anymore... After getting out of the pool I made her sit down on the potty both times she went w/ out any problem. Very proud mommy, I even did the potty dance w/ all the other mommies watching... Yep silly girl I am. I just wanted Miranda to know how proud I was of her. So on saturday morning I decided that it was nice outside and we would just leave her pull up off for a while (I was prepared to clean up pee) but low and behold she came to me and told me she had to pee... yeah!!! I sat her on the potty and she went.. WOW! She ended up going for Josh and was pretty good all weekend. Now Monday is here and she has done very good except for one accident but we can move on and now my little girl gets to wear panties and be a big girl!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sunny Day!

Or at least my kids thought that it was... They wanted to try out one of the gifts they got from the Easter Bunny (at granny's house). It was a raining day but it was fun anyway. They also love to be with each other and you can see it in there faces.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! I hope everyone had a wonderful day I know we did.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Eli!

Happy Birthday Big Boy!!! It has been so much fun to watch you grow this last year!

Friday, April 3, 2009


We have started a new session for swimming for both of the kids. Jonas is in Pre 2 and loving every moment of him. His is now floating on his back and swimming under the water. It is so fun to watch each lesson and see his progress. That kid is a amazing. Miranda is still in the parent tot w/ Josh. She is doing great also. She is wanting to swim on her own and goes under water like a champ. I am so very proud of my kids and excited for this summer to have two swimmers.

This weekend is suppose to be really nice and we are looking forward to it. We are having our first BBQ this weekend. Josh and I are planning to work outside and get our yard looking nice. Hopefully the weather stays nice so that we are able to do that... So much fun... But we have some things that I want to get done this year so hopefully it will look nice.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Today my parents are celebrating there 29th anniversary! 29 years is a long time, not alot of people have been married for the length that my parents have been married. And I can tell you that they are totally in love with each other. As a kid I can remember my parents kissing and thinking "Oh man get a room" but today seeing them hold hands in my living room was so sweet. I know silly but I am so proud of my parents. It is something that I look up to in my marriage and I want my children to see that it is possible to be with someone for a long time and still like each other even through the hard times. You know that we all go thru them.
Mom and Dad I wish you a happy Anniversary and I hope to wish you many more in the years to come.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Long Weekend!

After a very long weekend of feeling horrible and having everyone in my house feeling the same way it is time to start feeling better. Seems I just can't beat it. We spent most of our weekend on the couch or in bed. Josh was the sickest this weekend. Although Miranda was far sicker during the week. It was a hard week with daycare kids sick and my own kids sick... I was in a million places at once. I needed more arms then I have. It is so hard... Well Miranda and Jonas are feeling a ton better and Josh is seeming to pull through w/ flying colors!

This weekend Jonas is going to spend the night with his grandma and we will go on Saturday to pick him up and watch our nephew play basketball and then I get to get my hair done. Always looking forward to that. Time for myself. After this long haul with everyone being sick I am ready for some me time... :)

More updates on that later!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!!

This weekend was fantastic!!! On friday I laid out a new outfit for Josh for Valentines day. It was the day that I did V-day w/ my daycare kids and each of us had new shirts to wear, plus Jonas had his party at school also. Josh was excited to get some new shirts and boxers. After the daycare kids went home. I watched our friends kids so that they could have a night out for V-day! They have two kids the same ages as Miranda and Jonas. Then on saturday I woke up to a new jacket that Josh bought me and a rose. I was really suprised!!! What a good husband I have. The night before I laid out things for each of the kids for V-day. Jonas got a new Wii game, and flip flops, Miranda got a new backpack and two new shirts and a cinderella pillow case. They were both very excited to find new things when they woke up. Then I went w/ my friend Kim to Salem to pick up her dress for a wedding she is going to be in this weekend. It looked so nice on her. Then we did a little shopping and then headed home. The rest of the evening was the four of us. We went for a walk and then I made dinner and the kids got a movie that we watched together and ate ice cream. It was so neat and we plan on doing it more. Miranda is now at the age were we can do those things and not have her going crazy. Sunday we got up and went to church and then later in the evening we did V-day w/ my parents and also celebrated Jason/ Beth's birthdays. It was a nice weekend. Now I have two sick kids and a long night a head of me....

Tomorrow I go to the doctor to recheck on my back/leg to see if there is anything else we can do... I hope there is an answer.

Monday, February 9, 2009


So this morning I decided it would be a great idea to slip and fall on some ice.. Yeah for me.. My back hasn't been the best anyway since Jonas was born and now it is even worse. I knew I was in trouble because when i fell I felt a burning sensation running down my leg into my calf. I went to tell Josh and lost it with pain and crying. It was horrible because I couldn't get comfortable anywhere. So Josh told me to call everyone who was suppose to come over today and he called in. We waited until 8:00 and went to Urgent Care because my regular doc doesn't work on Mondays. What perfect timing... I spent two hours in Urgent Care. It wasn't what I had planned for the day... The doctor took X rays of my back and could see why I had been having chronic back pain for awhile. He wanted to keep an eye on things because I am numb all the way down to my toes on my left leg.. Not good. We will see. Now I am on some meds and relaxing. Josh has been great. He just stepped up to the plate and took all my jobs on today and was a SUPER DAD! He has taken good care of me and the kids. Now I am going to get back to icing my back and watch some tv. Time for meds....

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Need I say more??? Long day w/ my hubby watching football!!! Not even sure who is playing.... :) Good luck to who ever is playing and can't wait for all the commercials.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New President!

Well my weekend is over and on to a new week. The kids didn't have school yesterday. Which was really nice not have to go anywhere. Lazy on my part.... This weekend was so relaxing and a lot of fun. It was like a giant slumber party. My friends picked me up on Friday 8 ish and we picked up two more friends and then headed to the beach. We took our time at the outlet mall and had some yummy food. I got awesome deals at the outlet mall. Most of the deals were 50% off of the clearance. Awesome. Then up the mountain we went for the retreat. The speaker was wonderful! Can't wait for next year.
Now onto the new President. I am very excited that we made history and my kids will be learning about this when they are in high school. It gives Hope to many people who didn't think that it was possible. It is an exciting time for many people. I am very interested to see what the future holds for him and see what things will come into effect.
Until next time....

Friday, January 16, 2009


This is the new face of my little boy. Doesn't he look so handsome? Wow, I can't believe that with these glasses he looks all grown up. Here I am writing this post and tearing up. My little man is no longer a baby or a toddler (which he hasn't for awhile but...) anymore.

Jonas needed to get glasses due to him having a stigmatizam (probally spelled that one wrong). It is something that we couldn't have done anything to prevent. When we went to get his eyes checked they told us that he would have to wear them all the time. Jonas wasn't thrilled at the idea. Well today we picked them up and he has had them ever since. He doesn't mind them because they really do help. Man I have noticed a huge difference. He doesn't have to sit so close to things. (man why didn't I notice this before?) Any way cutest kid he is w/ this new super hero glasses of his....

This week has been busy. We are doing swimming lesson. Both kids are doing so good. Miranda feels really comfortable in the water. She is in Parent/ Tot class w/ Josh. She just splashes and actually doggy paddles. Jonas is in a glass this year. He is doing really good and getting the hang of things. Yesterday he went down to the bottom of the pool. He is doing really good putting his face in the water.

This morning I head for a much needed mom's weekend. Our church has an annual retreat every year. I am going w/ some friends and stopping out the outlets for some fun and relaxing shopping (w/ out kids). Nice. Well hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.....

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it is finally here. Welcome 2009! It has been a long year with many ups and downs but thankfully we are all healthy and happy. Last year the year started off with me in the hospital with phemonia and ended with our nephews 1st birthday party. What a year. I am ready for a new year to see what God has instore for us. Jonas has completed a half year in Kindergarden. He is doing really well and enjoying everything there is about Kindergarden. He is starting to read and is getting really good at it. Miranda is working on potty training but she is a lot like me in many ways. And she wants to do it on her own time. Which I am struggling at letting her do because I want it on my own time.... hehehehe. Like mother like daughter! Man mom does this sound like you and me or what. Josh is doing really well in his job and loving every moment of teaching. As for me well same stuff as usually. I have plenty to keep me busy and loving being home with my kids. I wouldn't ask for much more expect maybe that I didn't have to work much but I will take what I can get. :)

Alot has come out of 2008 and we as a family are looking forward to seeing what 2009 has instore for us. Keep reading to see how Jonas ends kindergarden and look forward to 1st grade. And see if we ever get our daugther fully potty trained.... I keep telling myself that she will not be going to college with a diaper on. Although she does tell me that she doesn't want to be a big girl she would rather be a baby... :)

Keep us in your prayers and thoughts during this year.....