Thursday, June 18, 2009

Whirlwind of a day!

Today was going to be a good day. I had planned that we were going to go w/ some friends to the park this morning. A bunch of moms club friends of mine we going and I would be able to chat w/ friends plus the kids would be totally happy playing on the play structors and enjoying the outdoors. It started off perfect the kids were all in good moods and were excited about going. We got there and everything was fine... Jonas was playing on a huge rock and Miranda was playing w/ her girlfriends. Then the boys were having a hard time getting off the rock so I walked over there to get them down and all of a sudden..... a friend calls out to me H (daycare child) is BLEEDING.... WHAT! I run to see what is going on and all I see is H crying w/ blood down her face. I ran to her grabbed her and started to clean her up... what did I see but it looked like she had bit thru her lip. Yikes. First thought was breath... second thought call her parents because this may need stiches... third thought again breath.... Got her all calmed down and her mom was on the way. Got home w/ the clan and H wanted to eat... this point I knew she was doing better. My friend brought over some lunch for the kids she knew my focus was on H. I broke hers into little peices and she ate like a champ. Poor thing. Her mom came and took her home. I called her later and she was doing good. Made for a crazy start to the morning.

On to the second thing that happened today.... when Josh got home I went into the bedroom to talk to him about the day and I hear laughing.... I love to her children laughing but this should have been my clue to go and check on what was going on. My friend had come into the door to pick up her son so I walked down the hall and here came Maya w/ something pink all over her. WHAT THE HECK! Walked into the playroom and Miranda had been flinging Yogurt all over Maya and anything else in her way.... then I decided that since all daycare were gone I needed to run and get somethings and the min I got into the store I get a call.... Where is the finger nail polish remover... WHAT! Miranda had decided that it would be a great idea to PAINT her whole body. Man that girl! When I return home Josh had Miranda in the bath and had scrubed her down as best he could. I finished the work and she still has finger nail polish on her... If this is what life is like when she is three I hate to see what is going to happen when she is in her teens... Josh and I have our work cut out for us.

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