Friday, April 3, 2009


We have started a new session for swimming for both of the kids. Jonas is in Pre 2 and loving every moment of him. His is now floating on his back and swimming under the water. It is so fun to watch each lesson and see his progress. That kid is a amazing. Miranda is still in the parent tot w/ Josh. She is doing great also. She is wanting to swim on her own and goes under water like a champ. I am so very proud of my kids and excited for this summer to have two swimmers.

This weekend is suppose to be really nice and we are looking forward to it. We are having our first BBQ this weekend. Josh and I are planning to work outside and get our yard looking nice. Hopefully the weather stays nice so that we are able to do that... So much fun... But we have some things that I want to get done this year so hopefully it will look nice.


Anonymous said...

Good for you!! Jonas and Miranda keep up with your swimming!! Love Grandma Bauer

Leslie said...

Ahhh, come on. We all know it's JOSH that's taking the lessons ;-) Good job kiddos!!! You'll get to swim with Mase and Fin soon!!