Monday, February 9, 2009


So this morning I decided it would be a great idea to slip and fall on some ice.. Yeah for me.. My back hasn't been the best anyway since Jonas was born and now it is even worse. I knew I was in trouble because when i fell I felt a burning sensation running down my leg into my calf. I went to tell Josh and lost it with pain and crying. It was horrible because I couldn't get comfortable anywhere. So Josh told me to call everyone who was suppose to come over today and he called in. We waited until 8:00 and went to Urgent Care because my regular doc doesn't work on Mondays. What perfect timing... I spent two hours in Urgent Care. It wasn't what I had planned for the day... The doctor took X rays of my back and could see why I had been having chronic back pain for awhile. He wanted to keep an eye on things because I am numb all the way down to my toes on my left leg.. Not good. We will see. Now I am on some meds and relaxing. Josh has been great. He just stepped up to the plate and took all my jobs on today and was a SUPER DAD! He has taken good care of me and the kids. Now I am going to get back to icing my back and watch some tv. Time for meds....


Leslie said...

So what was on the xray that he saw?

Jessica said...

He could see why I had more of a narrow opening at the bottom of my back. Who knows I am going to see my regular doctor this week. That way I can get more info. My leg is still is numb... Wish you were there to read the x ray. He explained it to me but didn't really understand it all.

Anonymous said...

Hope it was just pain from falling on the ice and nothing worse. Let us know what's going on.

Love Mom