Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Mom's Club!

Today was the first day of our new mom's club. It is held at our church every thursday. It was a blast. It gives me time to be with other moms and know that I am not the only one going through this craziness. Today we just got to know each other. We also made apple duplings. They look so good. The whole theme today was apple. All the wonderful treats were made from apple in some form. It was great. They also have great people taking care of the children. Jonas and Miranda both got to make masks and other wonderful activities. They had a blast. It was so wonderful and I can't wait until next week to do it all over again.
Last night was the first time we actually had to come up with a punishment for Jonas. Other then the norm of going to time out. Jonas is now getting old enough that he has to learn another way in order to know that we mean business and it is not okay. The other night Jonas went into our room and earsed all of Josh memory card (playstation). Josh went in and found that some of it was missing. So Josh went to Jonas and asked him about it. Jonas said that he had no clue, then later admitted that he did do it. Not really sure how he did it but this hasn't been the first time. Because Jonas didn't tell the truth the first time Josh wanted to have punishment for him. Josh asked him what it should be and Jonas couldn't come up with anything. Then I said that he wasn't able to watch TV for all of Thursday. Which is a big deal because Jonas loves to watch power rangers in the evening. Jonas was very sad but he knew that he did something that wasn't okay and had to follow mommy and daddy. Jonas is doing really well. Everytime he walks into a room with the TV on he walks away. WOW! We are raising a wonderful little boy! I hope this contiunes.
Until later....

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Ahhh. Lying, huh? We have dealt with this at our house and have been grounding, too. For us, it's "no bike" so he is just beside himself with the kids are playing outside. The joys of parenthood ....