Friday, August 1, 2008

1:38 in the Morning

Yes, I am awake. Not by choose but because the parent who was suppose to be picking her children up @ midnight still hasn't gotten here yet..... It is my birthday and where the heck is this women. Okay enough with the venting. Not a happy camper and would love to just lay down and go to sleep. To bad I can't just turn off all the lights and put a note on the door and say come get your children in the morning.
Anyway. Today was a nice start. Josh woke me up and wanted me to come to the living room. I went and say a huge package in the middle of the room. I was excited! Josh got me a Kitchen Aide Mixer. It is Red. My favorite color. My mom and Dad were going to take me out to dinner but that didn't happen. Oh well.
So the excitment of my day was a my daycare child came in to tell me that the little girls were playing in poop. Yeah. I walked in and Miranda took off her diaper and was smearing poop all over. Groose! I spent the rest of the evening cleaning up the playroom and the little girls. They had it all over.

Well that is enough for tonight....

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Seriously!!?? You need to just tell her you'll keep those kids all night and she can get them in the morning if you still want to keep them. I think its crap anyway that those poor kids have to get up in the middle of the night just to be moved. Then this? Sad for those kids.

Did you read my post about poop/Maysen/Bailey? Must have been popular yesterday ... phew!