Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Softball Nite!

Josh has been playing softball with our church for a couple of years and this is the year that I haven't gone very much. This was my first game and he has been playing for a month. It is really hard because most of his games are late at night so with two kids that is a no go. His latest game is usually starts around eight. To late for us. So last night the game was early and he wanted us to go. It was really fun. Miranda just played around me and Jonas went to the play ground with a friend of mine. So it was perfect. Josh plays third base. Last night was a good game Josh's team kicked butt. So it was fun to watch the team do well. They have had a really good year. Our church has two teams this year because we have such a good turn out.
Here are some pictures from the night.

This is Miranda during the game. She was (pretend) talking to Granny.

This is Jonas and Levi after getting dirty in the sand and playing really hard in the park.

This is a father daughter moment at the baseball field.

Thanks to Uncle Jason and Aunt Beth our son is Batman! Jonas loves his birthday present.

That is it for tonight. I have a huge mess to clean up from Miranda so off I go.

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