Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Long Day!

Do you ever feel like you just want to crawl in a hole and never come out. I do! Today was a long day. I have this little boy that I watch and he is now 2 1/2 years old. I have watched him since he was 9 months old. Wow did he give me a run for my money. He is in his terrible twos.... I guess that is what you call it. Well he decided today would be a good day to just scream his little head off. Not really sure why but he did. He also wanted to take every toy away from another child. AHHHHHH! It was crazy but totally normal for his age. Then when it was time to take a nap it took me three hrs to get him to sleep. He decided that he wanted to climb out of the porta-crib. The only problem with that is that he is sleeping in Jonas room and he was playing with things in his room that were special to him and breaking them. It is hard because Jonas has to share all of his toys and I tell him special things need to stay in his room so that they don't get broken. And now what do I do. I need C to sleep but I don't want Jonas toys broken. What a headache. Anyway. I talked to his mom and she said that it works better if he goes to sleep later. So tomorrow is another day and we are going to try something new. Any advise from anyone reading would be nice.... :)


Leslie said...

hang in there ... I can't imagine doing what you're doing. You have that special gift ... it's called PATIENCE. You have a load much greater than mine!

Anonymous said...

You're a great day care provider, it's not you fault that the little guy is having a bad day. You know that, though. You'll get through this phase and carry on with grace. Love Mom B