Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Tomorrow we head down to Eugene to spend the rest of the weekend with my mother in-law. It should be a good ending to the weekend. We are going to have a BBQ and then help my sister in-law with somethings for her big garage sale next weekend. She is doing a garage sale for tuition for Maysen preschool. All the money that she raises is going to anyone that can't afford tuition to the christian school that Mase goes to. It is a really good idea and from the sounds of it lots of people have donated a lot of stuff. I am also goind next weekend to watch the boys while they do the garage sale. I can't wait to hang out with them. It is so funny because Jonas and Maysen act more like brothers then cousins. If you mention to either one of them that Maysen or Jonas is coming they are very excited and can't wait to see them. They just play and play so it will be really nice to see them tomorrow. Soon Griffin will add into the crazy time those two little boys have. They just love each other so much. Miranda joins into. Oh when they get older we are going to have our hands full. Can't wait....

Tonight we went over to my mom and dad's house for dinner. I just brought over the left overs from Miranda birthday party. It was a very laid back time. Except for my parents just got a new puppy. His name is Waldow. He is a very cute puppy. The only thing is that Miranda is very scared of him and Jonas for some reason was today. He is so funny. He is a puppy so he was jumping up on him so I don't think he liked that very well. Anyway. My brother and my soon to be sister in-law came over with her family. They live in Prineville (her family) so it was very nice to see them again. Jeremy and Chelsea just got there engaments pictures (at least a few of them) and we got to see them. They are really good ever though they are at OSU. My brother is a big OSU fan and we are very big U of O fans. So it is fun to tease him about it. They are a very cute couple and I can't wait for Chels. to join our family. Although she pretty much has. My kids just love her and she is all Miranda knows as Auntie. She meet Miranda when she was 6 months old. Very fun to have her around.
Well that is enough for tonight... More to come later.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

It was so nice to see you guys this weekend. And I was so appreciative of you and Josh helping with all the moving of the garage sale stuff. You guys are the best and I am very thankful you are a part of my life! Love you.