Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Long Day!

Do you ever feel like you just want to crawl in a hole and never come out. I do! Today was a long day. I have this little boy that I watch and he is now 2 1/2 years old. I have watched him since he was 9 months old. Wow did he give me a run for my money. He is in his terrible twos.... I guess that is what you call it. Well he decided today would be a good day to just scream his little head off. Not really sure why but he did. He also wanted to take every toy away from another child. AHHHHHH! It was crazy but totally normal for his age. Then when it was time to take a nap it took me three hrs to get him to sleep. He decided that he wanted to climb out of the porta-crib. The only problem with that is that he is sleeping in Jonas room and he was playing with things in his room that were special to him and breaking them. It is hard because Jonas has to share all of his toys and I tell him special things need to stay in his room so that they don't get broken. And now what do I do. I need C to sleep but I don't want Jonas toys broken. What a headache. Anyway. I talked to his mom and she said that it works better if he goes to sleep later. So tomorrow is another day and we are going to try something new. Any advise from anyone reading would be nice.... :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Tomorrow we head down to Eugene to spend the rest of the weekend with my mother in-law. It should be a good ending to the weekend. We are going to have a BBQ and then help my sister in-law with somethings for her big garage sale next weekend. She is doing a garage sale for tuition for Maysen preschool. All the money that she raises is going to anyone that can't afford tuition to the christian school that Mase goes to. It is a really good idea and from the sounds of it lots of people have donated a lot of stuff. I am also goind next weekend to watch the boys while they do the garage sale. I can't wait to hang out with them. It is so funny because Jonas and Maysen act more like brothers then cousins. If you mention to either one of them that Maysen or Jonas is coming they are very excited and can't wait to see them. They just play and play so it will be really nice to see them tomorrow. Soon Griffin will add into the crazy time those two little boys have. They just love each other so much. Miranda joins into. Oh when they get older we are going to have our hands full. Can't wait....

Tonight we went over to my mom and dad's house for dinner. I just brought over the left overs from Miranda birthday party. It was a very laid back time. Except for my parents just got a new puppy. His name is Waldow. He is a very cute puppy. The only thing is that Miranda is very scared of him and Jonas for some reason was today. He is so funny. He is a puppy so he was jumping up on him so I don't think he liked that very well. Anyway. My brother and my soon to be sister in-law came over with her family. They live in Prineville (her family) so it was very nice to see them again. Jeremy and Chelsea just got there engaments pictures (at least a few of them) and we got to see them. They are really good ever though they are at OSU. My brother is a big OSU fan and we are very big U of O fans. So it is fun to tease him about it. They are a very cute couple and I can't wait for Chels. to join our family. Although she pretty much has. My kids just love her and she is all Miranda knows as Auntie. She meet Miranda when she was 6 months old. Very fun to have her around.
Well that is enough for tonight... More to come later.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Good News!

I just recieved good news from my sister in-law. Five days after Fin was born he got really sick with a virus and it went straight to his brain ( I hope I am getting this right). It made him have a seziure (spelled that wrong). Actually my sister in-law said that he did for 24 hrs. Anyways. So they had to put him on penabarb (spelled wrong again). And it made him very sleepy. Today they went to OHSU and did a MRI and it turns out everything looks good. He does have a scar from the seziure but it hasn't done any other harm. Which is really good news. I know my sister and brother in-law are now reliefed that everything looks good. He does have to go in when he is a year old but until then everything is perfect. Very healthy little boy. I love you Fin!

Jonas has one more week of school. I can't believe that it is over with. He loves his teacher so much and has learned so much. Next year he will go onto Kindergarden. I am so nervous but I know he will do just fine. Today I was looking at him today and I think he grew over night. He is getting so tall. Now he keeps telling me that it is all the milk that he drinks. It makes him tall and strong. What a funny kid. My little boy is no longer little. He is going to be tall like his papa and his uncles. My dad and Josh are pretty average height. Not Jonas. Everytime we go in for his well check they always tell us he the average two years older then he is. So last year he was the average 6 year old. crazy. My little man is going to be taller then me before high school.
That is it for tonight.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Miranda Birthday

Miranda Circus Party was a blast. My little girl is now offically 2 years old. The party started off with a bang. We started around 3:00 PM. Friends of all kinds came big and small. Our smallest vistor was my nephew Eli. He was almost six weeks old. We started the event off with hot dogs and hamburgers. My mother in-law brought all the dressings and my mom brought two very wonderful salads. My sister in-law brought chips, we had the best looking cake in the world. We also had cotton candy and peanuts. How can you have a circus with out those items.

Then next the boys decided it was time to get the sprinkler going and do some water balloons. It was very fun plus it was very warm. I think it was like 85 or something like that today. It was perfect. The boys just enjoys getting each other very wet.

Then we enjoyed the very cute decorated cake that my sister Chels. made. My other sis Beth (mommy of Eli) made 48 cupcakes in muti colors. It was a blast.

Then we finished the day off with sitting under the big tree in our backyard and watching Miranda open her presents. She got many things. Lots of clothing. :) Yeah for me. I am a close hord. Love it a lot. My kids closets are as pack as most women. I just love for them to have nice clothing to wear. She also recieved a baby w/ stroller, water sprinkler, soccor set, new shoes (miranda loves shoes), my parents bought her a new kitchen (they said that they had it since Nov.), food and a new tea set. We gave her a new tricycle that is pink and purple. Her first one that is all hers. She made out like a bandit. She is so tired that she was out like a light when she hit the pillow. After and hour of playing with Jonas on the kitchen. They had a great time.

Thank you to all our family and friends that made this birthday such a great sucess. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed hanging out with all of you who were able to make it.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Wow today has been hot. I am trying to get the finishing touches of Miranda Birthday Party all done. I have had one of those days though. First we go to the bank to get one of my parents checks cashed and the bank makes me pay 5.00 to cash the check at there bank. Its not like it cost them anything to cash the check. Crazy. So then we decide that we are hungry so we try going to our favorite Chinese resturant and they were closed. Something about their exhasted or something like that was down. Then we went to Jonas favorite pizza place. The best kind of pizza place it has a lot for the kids to do. It was so busy that there wasn't a place to sit and eat. That was the whole reason for going is to be able to sit down and get out of the heat. Then finally we went to Red Robin and we got sitted at a broken table. My luck was not improving at all. I dropped Josh and kids off at home so that he could get started with his work and I could run the last of my errons. I went to three different stores to get face painting things and no one has anything so I guess that is out. No one had circus kind of music either. Again my luck was not improving. Although I was able to get Jonas some summer pj's on clearance. So that was my excitment for the day. Yeah! I finally got the last of the things that I needed and back home I went. My mom called and reminded me that it was going to be really hot. I have some water balloons for the kids but it would really nice to have some thing for them to do in the water. So again I probally will have to go out and find some kind of sprinkler or something. My mom found a really cool one but it was 229.00 on sale. Crazy but it looked really cool. I could use it a lot but who wants to spend the money on water toy. Oh well. I will blog to let you know how her party went. I hope it goes with out a hitch. I plan on going to first service tomorrow so that Miranda can get a full nap before her party.

see ya in the funny pages.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a day!

Wow! What a day. It started off really good. I got up and was able to get some things done around the house before anyone started to show up. I should start off saying that I watch kids which is a lot of fun but some days can get kind of crazy. Today was a big day. I got to watch my friends 6 wk old son . He is a very good baby and my daugther M loves him so much. Hold Hold she tells me while I am trying to get him to sleep. Very cute. Today was a very warm day. It started off in the 60's and ended very close to 90's. For May that is unusal. It was nice because the kids were able to get out and play outside. Fun. Tomorrow I plan on getting the kids out in the sprinkler. It is suppose to be the same kind of day tomorrow. This weekend is a big weekend. Our daugther is turning two. It already feels like she is two. My favorite word (it feels like it) is NO. She is into everything, on everything and doesn't want to listen to her mommy. We are doing a circus theme for her party. It should be a lot of fun. I have gotten cotton candy, peanuts, popcorn, and lots of other food. It is going to be a warm weekend of fun. I have gotton some girls to face paint. So the kids can feel like they are at a real circus or at least sort of.Yesterday my son and I went to Enchanted Forrest with his preschool. It was a lot of fun. I got to spend time with J school friends and thier moms. It was really nice to get to know them a little better. This is J first year at preschool and he will start Kindergarden in the fall. It feels like both my children are growing up way to fast.My brother and sister in-law just had thier first child. He is very cute and my son and daughter love him so much. But holding him makes me want to have another one. It is so hard because I get so sick when I am pregnant. So the decision to have a child has to be a very strong decision that my husband and I have to make. My husband thinks that we need to wait until our daughter is 4. That is going to be hard because holding both of my baby nephews (my brother in-law had another baby boy in Dec.) it makes me want to have another. I guess we will see. And time will tell. It is really nice to almost be done with diapers. Well I guess that is all for now.