Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a wonderful day of food and family. I know we did. We went to my parents house for turkey dinner. In the morning I was going to go and get the paper/ ads but I didn't sleep well that night so @ 6 am Josh woke me up to let me know what time it was. I responded with if you really loved me you would go get my paper.... then told him he could go get coffee also. So he was up like flash and off to get the paper and coffee. Then we sat in the quite and looked through all the ads and made a little plan of what was going to happen the next morning. (At least I did) I made breakfast and then got things ready to go over to my moms house. Then @ noon we headed over. It was nice to be with my family since my parents are part of the retail world and we will not see much of them until Christmas.

Next morning I was up by 2:55 AM. My aunt picked me and my friend Ladoni and my sister in-law Chelsea up by 3:45 AM. That way we were able to get to Khols by 4:00 AM. Which is the place that I got all my good deals. We made our way around town all morning long. I got all my christmas shopping done and the other girls also got good deals and got most of there shopping done also. It was so great to spend that time with them and enjoy all the laughing moments of the crazy people in lines and trying to get those great deals. Then around 11:00 AM we met Beth and Eli @ Red Robin and had lunch. By then I was starving due to not eating since thanksgiving dinner the night before and being up that early. We got home around 1:00 PM. My plan was to go and take a nap but Josh was finishing the lights on the house and I wanted to show off the loot that I had. (Les, you know how I am...) By then it was 2:30 and I needed to get everyone in the shower so that we could head down to Eugene. But my brothers came by to bring us a TV. My dad got two HD TV's for his house and now we have there nice big TV. Well that set up back because you can't just move TV's you need to vaccum everything and make sure that it works there. So after I got the playroom done I got a call from one of the stores that I went to said that my game wasn't in the box. I checked and it wasn't there. They said for my trouble for having to come back down they would do something for me. Nice! Well I ended up getting a new wheel for the Wii. Another great thing. When I returned home Josh finished the living room and I got everyone in the shower and ready for the trip down to Eugene.

When we arrived in Eugene Josh's mom had dinner ready for us. It was nice to sit down and have dinner and just relax. I totally wasn't good company due to getting up way to early. Then after dinner we watched polar express. The kids got hot chocolate. Which we didn't realize that it was a bad idea. Since I had been up so long I fell asleep during the movie. Miranda wouldn't go to sleep and was playing around. I went to bed after the movie and Josh stayed up with the kids. Well that didn't work. Miranda wasn't having anything with going to bed.( hot chocolate= child doesn't sleep till really late). I finally got up because Miranda was crying and got her to sleep around 10:30PM. Jonas was scared of something so we ended up having him sleep in our room on the floor. (Man that brought back memories when I was little).

We ended up going home around 1 this afternoon. And now we are watching the Duck vs. Beavers. We are winning 58 to 38! Go Ducks!
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Jess, I'm so proud of you getting up that early ... and even more impressed (well, not really) of the spreading of Loot. Just wish I was there to see the spread ;-) Missed you at thanksgiving but sounds like you had a great time with your family!
Sounds like you had a great week-end. I think it's your favorite of the year! :o) Love Sherrill
Jessica, I had a great time and it brought back a lot of terrific and fun memories. Maybe we can do it again....hmmm ;-) Love, Aunt Marsha
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