Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall and Pumpkins!

We had a very busy weekend. Friday night me and a friend took are kids to Chucke Cheese. What a mess that turned out to be. Jonas was exhasted from being up since 6 in the morning. So the minute he saw Chucke Cheese he lost it. He wasn't near me nor was he able to find me so that made it worse. By the time that I saw him he was a mess. Didn't leave my side. Yeah fun. Miranda wanted to ride every little ride there was. So that was a blast to see her do that.
On Saturday my mom and I went shopping. It was so nice to go out and just hang out for awhile. We hit all the good stores and got great deals. I got a lot of stocking stuffers and started looking for christmas presents. So that was really nice. On Sunday we went to Lone Pine Farm. It was so much fun. Josh has never gone with us to get pumpkins so it was an adventure for the four of us. We got to ride in a carriage that was pulled by a horse. Miranda was so excited. She wanted to just look and touch all the animals at the farm. Jonas rode a cow train. It was barrells that had seats in them and pulled by a 4 wheeler. So much fun. It was like a roller coaster. So much fun. He got off and wanted to take his cousin Maysen on it next time. Josh and I are planning to go back because there was so much to do and not enough time. There is a corn maze that we will do next time. Then we went and hung out with Josh's mom and step dad and family. It was really nice to have us all together. Fun stuff. Well I better get back to the mad house.

Tonight Josh's dad and step mom are coming for the evening. And it is Sherrill's birthday. We are going to go to dinner and have a cake that I made this morning. So much fun. Can't wait to see them.
Happy Birthday Sherrill!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I'm glad that Josh got to come to the farm for pumpkins this year! How fun ... and Maysen would've loved to have ridden the cow ride with Jonas. Did I tell you that at M's Open House at school one of his questionaires was "Inside what is your favorite thing to do?" Maysen said (and Miss Nicole wrote) "Play with my toys with Jonas"